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If you are in need of help, please find a list of charities and helplines below. I have usually seeked therapy through my GP, but I know that the waiting lists can be extremely long, so using one of the helplines below in the meantime can be a great idea. There is always the option of private therapy if you can afford it. The helplines and charities below are all free.

Personally, I have found LifeLine particularly helpful, they were able to set me up with a face to face meeting with a counsellor very quickly, and the counsellor was genuinely amazing. For more specialised therapies however, I have always went down the GP route.

You know what you need, don't wait if you are in distress now - you deserve help.


Lifeline  0808 808 8000  24 hour

Samaritans 116123  24 hour

SHOUT text shout to 85258 for quick response help via text from volunteers

SANEline 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day)

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)  0800 58 58 58 (5pm–midnight every day) male focused helpline

Switchboard  0300 330 0630 (10am–10pm every day) LGBT focused helpline

The Laurence Trust - Supporting Men coping with Eating Disorders

Mind infoline If you are unsure of what action to take next in seeking help, Mind infoline can point you in the right direction (calls cost, email is free)


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